Recent instances of police brutality against people of color in the U.S. make it harder than ever to ignore systemic racism at work. If you want to know what you can do to help, this website is an invitation to gently wake up to what it means to be white.
Want to know if you are racist? Take the quiz.
This work is not about blame or guilt. It’s about coming to understand that we live in a social system rooted in white supremacy, and white people benefit from that system at other people’s expense. Each of us can take actions to make good on the promise of “liberty and justice for all” offered in the U.S. pledge of allegiance.
- 15-minute introductory video of Camara Jones’ TED talk on race and racism.
- Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy Macintosh is an introductory checklist to raise awareness for beginners
- White Awake by pastor Daniel Hill (2017). He gently helps white people realize they have a culture and what it means. He comes from a Christian point of view. He also explains his approach in a series of short videos.
- Seeing White podcast produced and hosted by John Biewen goes deep into questions about what it means to be white in America.
- Race: The Power of an Illusion (2018) is a 3-part film produced by the California Newsreel that focuses on the notion of why race was not a biologically meaningful concept until the founding of the U.S.