Where are you in the spectrum of White awareness? The answer depends a lot on your culture and society. Some people don’t believe White privilege is real, while others work as antiracists. This quiz will help you understand yourself and offers individualized suggestions for actions you can take next.

Which antiracism action feels most comfortable for you to try next?
Please choose a NEW action.
How many different types antiracism activities have you done in the past month? —Examples include reading books and articles, listening to podcasts, watching films, participating in protests, talking with other White people about antiracism, serving as an ally at work or school, and donating to antiracism groups.
Multiple instances of the same action, such as watching films, count as one activity.
Which statement best describes where you are in the journey of learning about racism?
What do you believe most strongly about racism?
You may resonate with more than one response, or no responses. Please choose whichever is closest to your strong beliefs.
When the topic of racism comes up, what are you most likely to say?
Please select one response that is closest to what you are most likely to say out loud to others.
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